DfT: Pathway to net zero aviation: developing the UK sustainable aviation fuel mandate

Proposes the UK sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) mandate. The SAF mandate will:

  • create demand for SAF

  • achieve greenhouse gas emission savings

  • provide price support for SAF supply

We are seeking views on the:

  • overarching targets to be set for 2030 and beyond

  • targets to supply power to liquid fuels and a cap on hydrotreated esters and fatty acids

  • potential buy-out price, which determines the maximum incentive for supplying SAF

  • eligible fuels and sustainability criteria

  • design of the scheme including:

    • who the obligation applies to

    • how certificates will be issued, traded and used for compliance, and how the obligation will be discharged

  • administrator and enforcement of the scheme

  • interactions with other domestic and international policy makers

This builds on the commitment to introduce a SAF mandate in 2025 requiring at least 10% of jet fuel to be made from sustainable feedstocks by 2030 released in 2022.

Published: 30th March 2023

Closed: 22nd June 2023

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