CAA Airspace change masterplan: scoping the environmental assessments

The airspace change masterplan is being developed by the Airspace Change Organising Group (ACOG) to coordinate airspace changes that will upgrade and modernise UK airspace at a system level. Our consultation is not about the content of the masterplan or the modernisation programme more generally - ACOG will carry out its own public engagement exercise about that, beginning later this year.

To ensure that environmental impact considerations are integrated into the development of the masterplan, the CAA must ensure that the masterplan is subject to a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) and a Habitats Regulations assessment (HRA). These assessments are a legal requirement.

The first stage of each of these assessments is to decide what they must cover, including the methodology we propose to use. We are therefore seeking your views on our proposals, which are set out in:

We are also taking this opportunity to seek your views on our approach to producing, later on, the actual SEA and HRA assessments themselves. We have set this out in a third document, Approach to the SEA and HRA.

Opened: 27th March 2023

Closed: 8th May 2023

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