Heathrow Area Transport Forum (HATF)

Heathrow Area Transport Forum is a partnership between organisations in the private and public sectors seeking to improve accessibility and increase public transport use to, from, and in the area around Heathrow.

HATF fulfils the role of an Airport Transport Forum, a Department for Transport-specified engagement group that brings together a major airport and local stakeholders.

Chair: Anthony Smith

Deputy Chair: Mark Frost

Secretariat / Administrator: Timothy Wells, Sustainable & Policy Lead, timothy.wells@heathrow.com

Forum website: www.hatf.org.uk

Membership: Independent Chair: Anthony Smith CEO, Consumer Focus.
Secretariat: Timothy Wells - Independent Technical Advisor: Mark Frost, - Surface Access Director, Heathrow Airport Limited: Sophie Chapman - Aviation Strategy Lead, Transport for London: Shamal Ratnayaka - Board Member, Transport for South East: Cllr Matthew Furniss -Chief Executive Officer, Buckinghamshire LEP: Richard Harrington - Programme Director, London First: Adam Tyndall - CEO, Confederation of Passenger Transport: Graham Vidler - Chair, HSPG Transport Sub-Group: Paul Millin - Chief Executive, Airline Consultative Committee: Nigel Wicking - Regional Secretary, Unite: Wayne King - Industry Programme Director (Heathrow & TVA), Network Rail: Joanna Grew - Policy & Compliance Advisor, British International Freight Association (BIFA): David Stroud Trustee, London Cycling Campaign: Christian Wolmar - Strategic Projects Director, Highways England: Liz Garlinge - Managing Director, UK Coach Operators Association: Peter Bradley - Transport Planning and Development Team Manager, LB Hillingdon: Alan Tilly - Representing local communities: Kris Beuret

Meetings 2024:
Thursday 26th September - HATF Parking SIG

Monday 18th November – HATF Nov board, followed by wider Forum



Monday 22nd Jan HATF January Board

Wednesday 24th Jan HATF Parking SIG

Tuesday 16th Apr HATF Parking SIG

Tuesday 19th Mar HATF March Board

Tuesday 11th Jun HATF June Board

Thursday 11 Jul HATF Parking SIG

Tuesday 17th Sep HATF Board - meeting notes to follow


HATF Board Meeting 23rd January 2023 Minutes

HATF Board Meeting 21st March 2023 Minutes

28th June 2023, Board Minutes

27th September 2023, Board

27th November 2023, Board followed by Wider Forum

HATF Work Programmes

HATF 2024 Work Programme

HATF 2023 Work Programme

HATF Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

HATF Resources

HATF Resources
Report Nuisance parking around Heathrow


Noise & Airspace Community Forum (NACF)


Heathrow Sustainable Economic Growth Taskforce (HSEG Taskforce)