Environment Agency Consultation: Enforcement and sanctions policy updates to include UK ETS and CORSIA

The Evironment Agency are seeking your views on proposed updates to the enforcement and sanctions policy to include the UK ETS and CORSIA.

Consultation description:

The Environment Agency is responsible for enforcing laws that protect the environment. They aim to use their enforcement powers efficiently and effectively to secure compliance.

Their current enforcement and sanctions policy explains the regulatory and penalty principles they uphold, the enforcement and sanction options available to them, how they make enforcement decision and the enforcement framework for the climate change scheme and the control of mercury regime.

This consultation sets out proposed updates to include the UK Emissions Trading Scheme and the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation.

They want your views on the proposed:

  • revisions to section A to take account of the UK ETS and CORSIA

  • new section G for UK ETS

  • new section H for CORSIA

Sections G and H are new, so they are consulting on all aspects of these sections. 

Published: 21 May 2024

This consultation closed: 16 July 2024

Visit Consultation Site


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