DfT Consultation: 2040 Zero Emissions Airport Target

Our ambition is for airport operations in England to be zero emission by 2040. We are gathering information to help design the policy to reach this target.

We are using this call for evidence to gather feedback on the:

  • definition of airport operations

  • emissions sources that should be included within the target

We want to better understand:

  • to which entities the target should apply

  • the type and size of airport the target should be applied to

  • potential regulatory or voluntary approaches that could be used to implement the target

  • how the proposed target could be aligned with current schemes, such as the Airports Council International Airport Carbon Accreditation scheme

  • the barriers and opportunities which may exist in implementing the target, including commercial feasibility

  • what the appropriate measuring and reporting processes should be

Opened: 7th Feb 2023

Closed: 2nd May 2023

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