CAA 2024 Consultation on the Future Direction of the UK Aviation Environmental Review (AER)
Consultation description:
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is seeking your views on the future development of the UK Aviation Environmental Review (AER).
They aim to develop the AER into a comprehensive and robust tool that can be used by Government, industry and other interested stakeholders to inform and drive positive environmental change.
They want your views on:
The overall ambition and aims for the AER
The nature of environmental data reported within the AER
How this data should be presented.
This will ensure the AER develops into a useful tool for stakeholders.
Why your views matter
Following this consultation, the CAA will publish a consultation response document summarising all responses received from stakeholders. This document will set out how they have taken stakeholder views into account and how they will inform the future direction of the AER.
They will also establish an AER roadmap setting out how they will evolve the AER over the coming years, starting from 2025, to ensure it remains relevant, useful and aligned with their overall ambition for the work. The roadmap will take into account responses received to this consultation from stakeholders.
The CAA aim to publish the consultation response document and AER roadmap by summer 2025.
Published: 1 October 2024
Closed: 10 December 2024