Heathrow Airport Noise Insulation Scheme Update 

In May I chaired the first meeting of the Prioritisation Panel for Heathrow Airport’s new Noise Insulation Scheme, which will make recommendations on the approach Heathrow should take as they start their scheme.  

The scheme will replace a number of different projects that have been running over previous years. As the independent chair of the panel, I am keen to work with the airport to ensure that the new plans are fair, transparent and accountable.  It’s also important that the scheme has as much take up as possible to benefit local communities who are impacted by the noise from the airport.  

The panel includes an independent noise expert and community representation to ensure we put both the health impacts of noise and the views of communities at the heart of our decisions.  You can read the notes from our first meeting and see the full make-up of the panel here, and read more about the details of the scheme on Heathrow’s website - Noise insulation schemes | Heathrow 

The main decision made at the first meeting was to roll out the scheme using community and natural boundaries, informed by aircraft noise exposure, to define phases, rather than use noise exposure contours alone.  This decision was made to aid understanding and delivery of the scheme.   

As well as establishing a coherent approach and rationale for prioritisation, the panel will also determine outcomes in special cases or escalated disputes consistently.  The scheme will also cover the vortex repair scheme, which will be reactive focusing on locations where vortex roof damage occurs.  We will review the new noise insulation scheme process and communications to ensure they are straightforward and clear for residents. 

So what is happening next? We will meet in July 2023, when we will look at the priorities for implementation, consider the split between residential and community properties and set out preliminary thinking on the messaging to be used to support the roll-out of the scheme.  

We will also discuss and prepare some preliminary ground rules on situations that we would or would not be expected to be referred to the Prioritisation Panel as special cases.  A further panel meeting will be held later in the year, with the scheme rolling out in phases from January next year.  In the meantime, legacy cases from previous schemes will be completed.  

We don’t yet have maps for the scheme or the number of homes that will be covered in the first phase, but we will share them when we do. I know that people affected by noise will be keen to see more details as soon as possible - we will ensure that further updates are shared on the CISHA website as well as through the CISHA Community Forums and directly to communities.  

Liz Sugg 
Chair, Council for Independent Scrutiny of Heathrow Airport. 


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