New research project: Community views on air quality around Heathrow Airport
As an independent body, the Council for the Independent Scrutiny of Heathrow Airport (CISHA) works with the airport, local communities and other stakeholders to deliver open and honest engagement and feedback. We identify airport-related issues that can be improved and encourage actions to be taken to help Heathrow in their efforts to be a better neighbour. Our job at CISHA is to ensure that the views and concerns of those impacted by the airport are listened to and acted upon.
Part of our role is to scrutinise Heathrow’s position on sustainability and the environment, which the airport has set out in their Heathrow 2.0 strategy
As Chair of CISHA, I’ve had many conversations with residents about what it’s like living near one of the world’s busiest airports. One of the key issues that residents and other stakeholders have raised with us at CISHA forum meetings and elsewhere is their concerns around air quality.
Our new community research project will therefore focus on this subject. We aim to understand the local communities’ views on air quality in the area, on how relevant information is communicated, and their opinions on Heathrow Airport’s actions to monitor and improve air quality.
There are currently 22 air quality monitors in neighbourhoods around the area. The airport publishes this and other data on their Heathrow Airwatch website
The project will also consider existing monitoring, reporting and targets set out in Heathrow 2.0 and analyse the airport’s proposals and actions around air quality.
As an important part of our research, we are carrying out an online survey and we want to hear from as many people as possible. The survey can be accessed here until the end of September.
Throughout September, we will be engaging with residents at community events and in focus groups around Heathrow airport. CISHA will be visiting towns and villages around the airport to meet with people and hear their views directly. We hope to see as many people as possible - the location, dates and timing details for our visits are here
We will also be holding an online webinar on Wednesday 20th September at 18:00-19:30. You can sign up to receive an invitation.
CISHA will use the findings of the project to give comprehensive feedback to the airport on communities’ views on air quality, along with practical and achievable recommendations to make improvements.
We have heard the concerns about air quality from the local community, and are looking forward to taking this project forward.
To receive more information on the air quality project and CISHA’s work, please sign up here
Full details on the project can be found here
Liz Sugg, Chair,
Council for Independent Scrutiny of Heathrow Airport (CISHA)